Had to repost


I saw this today and felt the need to share ❤️

To all who worry. God says do not fear, do not worry so many times in the bible. He has a plan for you AND your little bean! Its always to give you hope and a future and to grow you. Jeremiah 29:11. I am 37 yrs old and this is my 4th baby. God willed this life in me. HE knits this baby in my womb. I will be joyful and celebrate every day this life in me growes until it arrives in my arms or God takes him. I will not let satan steal my God given joy with worry, doubt or fear which is not from God! All of us have a choice to trust in the Father or give in to a lie. Please choose to trust in God and celebrate that life in you! Your little bean FEELS what you feel! Why worry your self and your baby over a future that you do not know? They need mommy to feel joy so they have comfort and know they are safe. Every baby deserves that no matter how long they are with us! Love and encouagement to you all today!