Period was 9 days late. Could this still be implantation bleeding


Hey sorry if this isnt the place to be asking this question but im curious lol

Ok so i missed my period by 9 days, i was on day 42 of my cycle which is very unusual for me. and then out of the blue i had light spotting it kinda came and went all day then the next day it got a tiny bit heavier but still light then today it’s barely spotting. Im not really cramping that badly its more just very uncomfortable light cramps. I dont think this is my period because it just doesnt feel like my period i normally have heavy periods with major headaches my periods normally put me in bed, but this just doesnt feel like my normal period.

I have had signs if early pregnancy, but im not so sure if implantation bleeding could happen 9 days after missed period. I spotted the first day then it was a lightish “flow” the next day and then the 3rd day it was spotting.

If anyone can answer me that would be great!!!