Old Flame

Since Fall of 2016 I have been dating my current boyfriend. We made it official March of 2017. However, this isn’t a story about him. Fall 2015 I met, we’ll call him MJ. MJ and I were only friends, we had some benefits, but at the end of the day we were friends. He completely stopped talking to me after about a few months of cordially hanging out alone together and amongst mutual friends. I moved on as I always do. I was kind of hurt, I did like him, chemistry is a big thing for me, and ours was out of this world. Anyway, flash forward to this week, Fall 2019 nearly 4 years later he calls me and apologizes! I gave myself full closure, as previously stated, I’m in a committed happy relationship. He apologizes for everything respectfully. Tells me in not so many words that he wish he knew then what he knows now. We would be four years into a relationship. I had to stop him there. He has a kid now, he’s going through it with the mother of his child. We would never work out, but this had to come out. I know my boyfriend would feel some type of way because we even talked so deeply. He’s my best friend and I tell him everything so I just needed to vent. If you got this far thanks for reading!