Possible to get post partum contractions a year later?

My lil one was born a year ago. My periods started back up when she was 6months. And I've exclusively breastfed until she started solids. Today however I am feeling contraction like cramps when I feed her while I'm on my period. Idk if the cramps are just being weird but they honestly feel just like the post partum contractions I had just after she was born! You know like the ones when u breastfeed u get those tightening cramps during the first few weeks they were born? It feels exactly like that. I've been having cramps all day with this period. But when she breastfeeds they are 10x worse.

Am I crazy or is there another explaination?

And yes I'll be asking my dr during my next visit.

And yes I am keeping very well hydrated. Lol