Ex boyfriend

Went out with a guy at work but works at a different department then I do. When out with the Scorpio for about a month and half. Of course it was great for 3 weeks. Then we had our issues because he expected too much from me. Or accuse me of something I've never done so he assumed. He broke up with me so I didn't talk to him for a month because of other things too. He broke up with me and so what was there to do or say? He tried too but I just didn't want to make small talk at work so I was silent for a month. So he started doing things for me like opening the door and helping me put air in my tires or whatever. Still didn't say much but he finally messaged me on Instagram telling me sorry for doing wrong when it came to me. So he told me he wanted to be friends, be happy together, love me still, maybe something more like a relationship but he didn't know yet. Gave it a shot to see and it went well when we saw each other one day for 2 hrs. Second day we had a good time but he never kissed me but we had sex. Made small minor motions to show him I still wanted him by rubbing his back n stuff but didn't do anything. Ik he cares for me cuz the end of the day he hugged me tightly for a while before going. Today at work we made small talk and hugged me before going home. He hasn't messaged me back today or anything. I'm so confused , I dont wanna be used and I feel stupid but what gets me is that he wants me in his life. Ik he wants me in his life and I mean something to him. I see that, but I think he's really unsure when it comes to me in what he wants. Idk if he's scared to try again because how we were before or what. Idk what to do or be. Ik now that I'm not gonna have sex with him again until he knows what he wants when it comes to me....he's a Scorpio and I'm a Pisces.