7w5d, due May 12th!

mama k

We have had a struggle getting here...first we had a missed MC at 10 weeks in February when there was no heart beat on the ultrasound and was only measuring 6w4d. We were devastated. In May we got a positive only to start bleeding and passing tissue later the same day...this time with a positive test dr monitored levels and they were inc significantly but not doubling as they should have been. Dr said rising appropriately but after reading that they should really be doubling I was ready for loss #3 this year. At 7w1d we had an ultrasound. I felt like it took forever for her to turn the monitor, and finally there was a little fluttering heart beat to see! 145 BPM. I know we aren't in the clear by any means, but it calmed some of my anxiety! I just want to see it again!!!