Should I go?!?!?


Need some advice!

My boyfriend and I been in a ldr for 1 year and a half. Last time I saw him was in January when I went to Portland to see him. We were supposed to see each other again in July, he was going to come down to Mexico (where I live) but In May he broke up with me.

He said he was super sad because he couldn’t see me and I was being really needy and he couldn’t give me his attention..and overall just tired of being in a LDR. I begged him not to do it but still he did it. I was super sad and cried a lot...

We remained friends and talked from time to time I’d ask to get back together but still he didn’t want. He said it was just too hard.

In August he started to talk to me again and said that he missed me a lot and just couldn’t be with anyone else because he loves me so much still.

Still he’s been hesitant to commit again to me.. but last week he said he’s thought about it better and he’s ready to give us another shot. He says he’s coming down in December but I wanted to go see him in October. My family says I shouldn’t go up since they’re afraid he would do the same to me before December as he did back in July plus they say it’s his “turn” to come down.. they think I should just wait a little till December and kinda “test” his commitment and love for me

I really want to go but also I’m afraid that he gets “tired again” before December what should I do?