Problems in marriage


I need some advice preferably from someone who has gone through a tough marriage, but got through it and are now in a happy marriage. I have been married for 3 years now and we have a baby boy. Before we got married we were both doing things that Unmarried couples shouldn’t do. I am very conservative and always believed that couples should save all the sexual stuff for marriage. I don’t want to say that my husband pressured me into anything, but I always felt that way and would always cry out to God to help me get out of the relationship because I though that what we were doing was wrong. Since my parents are also very conservative they led me to believe that if you are involved with a guy, then you have to get married to them. So we got married and I did love him and told myself that I will stay in this marriage no matter what happens. Before marriage I told him everything, so that there wouldn’t be any surprises for him and he told me that he also was not hiding anything from me. But the day after our wedding, he took most of the money that we got from the wedding and told me that he has to give it to some guy that he owes. The rest of the money he said he put it into a savings account without ever telling me and to this day I never seen them. I’m pretty sure he spent it somehow or I don’t know, he won’t tell me. He also spent a lot of our money on random stuff and would buy this that were over $200 without telling me. We live paycheck to paycheck. I also found out that he owes $6000 to court for a dui. Not only that, I found out that he sometimes drinks and vapes as well. He also always yells at me and makes me feel bad about being a bad wife, even though I’m always there for him when he needs something. He makes it seam like I’m the one with the problems even though I try to do everything he asks of me. I never bring up all the things he kept from me and I always tell him that we will get through this together. But no matter what I do he always yells at me and tells me that I’m not a good Christian and I don’t submit to my husband. He tells me that I’m too much of the world and every little mistake I do he yells at me for it. When I tell him that I want to finish school and help him support the family so that we don’t live paycheck to paycheck he gets mad and says that I just want to be rich and God doesn’t want us to be rich, even though I never ask of him to buy me anything. We are always fighting because he thinks I’m not being supportive of him and I don’t listen to him, even though I do everything he asks of me. When we get into arguments he always says that he will just take our child and leave. I pray for our marriage every day and hope that God changes the way he treats me. I know that if I stay in this marriage and continue to pray and be the best wife I can be, that God can make things better, but sometimes I lose hope and think that I should just leave, but I don’t want to put our little one through something like that. I want him to have both loving parents, but I also don’t want him to see us fight all the time. Has anyone been in similar situation and ended up with a happy marriage at the end? Also please pray for our marriage, thank you