Job fired me

I’m 8 weeks pregnant. My job knew it. I told them early on in case anything bad were to happen so they wouldn’t be blind sided. I worked there 6 months. Their reason for firing me was because I missed 3 days without pay. Attendance was never an issue for me until I became pregnant. I had a doctors note that stated on it the reason for my absences were in fact pregnancy related. Still got fired. I understand there are policies and procedures everywhere etc etc etc but now what I’m most worried about is how am I going to find another job without explaining why I was fired (absences due to pregnancy) I feel like no one is going to hire me if they know I’m pregnant.

UPDATE:: Just wanted to update and answer some of the questions being asked. I’m staying anonymous because I personally know a few people from real life that use this app too who follow me on here.

They were not no call no shows. I gave enough notice well in advance hours before the start of my shifts. I do live in an at will state meaning I can technically be fired for any reason or no reason at all, but I believe in that case it’s up to individual companies to decide whether they accept doctors notes to be excused. I didn’t have any sick time to use which is why I was absent without pay which is what the big no no was. But it was due to me being pregnant as doctors notes stated. They don’t give you any sick time to use for the first 6 months.