Missed Misscarriage

So this isn’t my first baby and with my first I needed progesterone (apparently) although I was never told my levels and was once told by someone who worked there that my old doctor would often give progesterone just to insure a safe pregnancy..... so. Here I am, 5 weeks and 5 days according to my last period and I am freaking out. I freaked out with my last baby because at this stage you really don’t feel pregnant so I was terrified she wouldn’t have a heartbeat... but this time I’m more worried because I haven’t started any progesterone. They haven’t called saying I need it but I’m not sure if they really believe in progesterone either... meaning that they think progesterone does nothing in preventing a misscarriage. So I’m terrified my levels are so low and that when I go in Tuesday my baby won’t have a heartbeat. Someone please ease my mind a little or something. I’m a mess and I know stress cannot be good for this baby. I have no big symptoms so far besides cramps (drinking tons of water has really calmed them down though.. I rarely get them now), nausea when I wake up but goes away once I eat, a headache here or there.... by this time my last pregnancy I was puking every second of everyday. I threw up everyday for 9 months with my first baby so I’m super scared. I know every pregnancy is different but I’m so scared.