ACL management, no surgery


So I had my little Mandy at the vet today. She's been limpy for a while and it started fairly suddenly, but given her age we thought it was arthritis setting in.

So we started on supplements and CBD oil which helped. Yesterday she couldn't even stand though so I took her to the vet today.

He reckons she has torn both her ACLs. However due to her age he says she isn't a candidate for surgery considering it's both. She's going to be nine years old tomorrow.

So we've got her on an anti inflammatory suspension as well as a joint supplement that's also supposed to manage pain, as well as rebuild cartilage.

I just wanted to find out if anyone else has experienced this and what was the outcome?

She is already feeling better thanks to the painkillers, and I will also continue with the CBD oil. We do have steps in our house and she's not good with ramps (we tried a while ago already because she's so small) so I normally carry her up and down the stairs, as well as on and off the bed/ couches (I work from home so can do this all day).