Trying to stay positive

Christina • 💙 12/15/2004💙 MC 3/4/2019 🌈 💙5/17/2020💙🌈

I copied the text from my Facbook post in a rainbow baby support group


Prayers please that there is nothing wrong with our rainbow. Started to bleed walking into the ER now

No cramping, I did fell dizzy when I first got to work this afternoon around 330pm

Update: 626pm est : Ultrasound done waiting for results. I do have a UTI

Update: 736pm: Ultrasound showed a sac in my uterus but they could not see anything in it levels show still might be early to see anything going to have a redraw in 48 hours to check levels again. Was given 3 possible outcomes

1) an early normal pregnancy that just can't be seen yet

2) an abnormal pregnancy that would end in a miscarriage

3) a pregnancy outside the uterus