

I began praying recently about whether my relationship was healthy, because I began to see some red flags, and we were discussing getting married next year. Shortly after praying, I received a message from a girl who had screenshots of my boyfriend talking to her for a couple of weeks. He was telling her how hot she was, and how he wanted to get to know her better. After that, I knew that I couldn't continue to be in a relationship with him, especially since he had cheated on me back in April. I chose to forgive him for that incident, and give him a second chance. However, after I saw the messages, I decided it was best to break up with him. He's been taking it really badly. He fought with me while I was trying to break up with him, claiming that Jesus said to forgive 70 times 7, and that by breaking up with him I'm not being Christian like. I couldn't get a word in, so I waited until he went to sleep, and texted him everything that I wanted to say, then quit answering any calls or texts from him. He has taken it very badly. He keeps trying to call, and texting me about how he loves me and he'll change and how I must not love him because I'm not talking to him. I told him I didn't want to communicate right now, but he has still tried to get me to continue our relationship. This is causing me immense amounts of pain. I love him so much, and we were planning on getting married. Part of me wants to get back with him, but part of me knows that he has some serious things he needs to work through. But I miss him and love him so much that it's killing me. I just need prayers right now.

Also, it's worth noting that we are in a long distance relationship, so that's why I texted him/he hasn't tried to approach me in person.