
First of all, I don't want this to seem like I'm having a go at you cos I'm not. I just need to get something off my chest that's been bugging me all week. Before you say anything, I know you've already apologised, but over the phone I dont think you understood why I was annoyed about what you said. Hence why I didn't carry on with that particular conversation.

When you said "my Jess", that made me feel this 👌🏾 big. Ngl to you. I already knew which Jess you were on about but the fact that you repeated it and said the exact same thing send me over the edge. That combined with the fact that you resent her so much, makes me feel like you still have feelings for her.

Like how would you feel, if I said I hope Chris would be at the dance society so I can trip him over. You know my chris? The chris I dated, my Chris? To me, that sounds like ownership. It sounds like that person is still in your life.

Moreover if that's "YOUR Jess" what the hell am I? Cos you cant have us both.

I just need you to understand where I'm coming from. Just hear me out. From past experiences, I only resented those I still had feelings for. That's the honest truth. I have 2 other exs, I feel absolutely nothing. Good nor bad, I just feel neutral. I don't wish them bad luck but I'm also not gonna go out of my way to talk to them ygm? Another thing is the fact that you seem to want to be around her, baffles me. You said, "I hope she's there and I get paired up with her so I can fight her". Ugh I honestly dont think you understand how your wording makes everything sound.

I know there are times when you genuinely have no choice but to be around her. And again, that's completely fine. Its inevitable and I genuinely dont care.

I'm secure in myself and I would not class myself as an insecure person. I know what I want. I'll always support you and your decisions. I'll be your cheerleader. I want you to do and enjoy things without me. I want you to have a social life and everything. I'm not controlling nor a manipulator.

But what i will not accept is being a mug. If you still have feeling for her, I've said it before and I'll say it again, we can take a break. I'm not gonna be second best. It's either you wanna be with me and only me. Or you need sort your priorities out.

I know I'm chilled but I also like good morning texts. During summer, I didn't mind cos we saw each other majority of the times. But now things are gonna get hectic, I may not be able to see you every week. I need communication. Like I said, I'm chilled. You can copy and paste the same "good morning" text and I would be over the moon. It's about the thought. I wanna know you're thinking about me. Actions speak louder than words

It's not like you dont go on your phone in the morn. That's the first thing you do when you're up! You know I wont even bug you throughout the day. "Good morning babe, hope you slept well. Have a fab day!" Done and dusted. It ain't that hard. That's takes less than 15 seconds. Then you can get on with your day.

I really dont understand what I'm doing wrong and I need you to tell me. Communicate with me so I can work on those areas.