Taking a break


Has anyone taken a month or so break for medicated cycles?

I do letrazole and progesterone. No ultrasound monitoring. Just 21 day blood work.

We have done 2.5mg letrazole CD 3-7 for 4 months now unsuccessful. My doctor is upping me to 5mg this next month and I am on the edge. I desperately want a baby we have tried for 3 years. But all these meds are making me gain weight and I'm so let down everytime AF comes.

Would that decrease our chances by skipping a month before upping it?

Or does it help to stop and then up the dose?

I am treated by a midwife obgyn not a fertility doctor since there are none where I am located. We had seen a fertility doctor previously for 2 years unsuccessful no meds just monitoring and unmedicated <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>.