Tmi help


Okay so tmi but tomorrow I supposed to get my period. Been ttc for 2 months now and my husband and I have noticed my discharge has changed so much it normally is egg white sticky until 2 days after ovulation but this time the entire month it has been watery like so bad I can feel it running (backwards) is a nice way to put it especially when I lay down I’ve had very light cramping and my breast hurt extremely bad like normally it’s just them but I took my nipple rings out hoping they were the problem nope 🤦🏻‍♀️ smh oh and let’s not mention I love to drink but I can’t hold any liquor down it comes back up and makes me sick to my stomach I’ve had very light headaches the past 2 weeks on and off and it’s like I can not drink enough ever? Is it just pms or did anyone else have these symptoms oh and constipation and gas have been a big problem normally about this time it’s diarrhea