Flipping out

I don't know if this is the right group, honestly I just need to share this before I freak out. My husband has a brain tumor. My love, my best friend, the person who loves me in spite of my faults and bad habits, who still thinks I'm sexy after gaining weight, who makes me laugh every single day. He has a brain tumor.

And that's all we know right now. He had a cat scan and then an MRI, and we've been waiting for 2 days to hear from a neurosurgeon and now it's the weekend. We just need more information and nothing is coming our way. Waiting on test results is so hard. I'm imagining the worst...and praying for a miracle.

I want to be strong for him, he needs me right now. He hates hospitals and needles. And I can't take this for him. I can't stick my arm out and offer up my blood for sample. I can't go into the claustrophobic MRI machine for him. I hate this. So. Damn. Much.

Edit: Thank you all for your support, love, and prayers!!! We finally met with the neurosurgeon the other day. They weren't able to obtain my husband's medical records from when he was a child yet. He had a brain tumor then as well that was much larger.

From just looking at the the scans from a couple weeks ago, things look okay. There is no swelling(which would mean recent growth) and no indication that the tumor is malignant. It's the size of a peanut and part of it is calcified, so there's a good chance this is just leftovers from before and it's not doing anything.

Right now the plan is to just monitor it with scans every few months. As long as it stays the way it is, he will be able to live a long healthy life with it.

Thank you again! He's still pretty freaked out, but he's named the tumor Sid the Sloth since it's so "lazy", and we both feel better now that we have more info.