Help ladies


Ladies, I can’t thank the Glow girls enough for coming in with words of encouragement and advice! You all give me the push to get through each day of waiting. I had posted past few days these two FRER tests below. Each time I’ve heard it’s likely a positive. However, I’m more scared its the dreaded indent I’ve been reading about.

I have PCOS and have been trying TTC for two years. I’ve been cycling through Femara for 5 months. This last cycle was with the trigger. I’m about 17 days past the trigger shot. So technically would be around 15DPO and would be expecting period any day now. I took a rapid test CB test this morning and negative. If for the last two days the FRER looked like below, shouldn’t the CB today be able to show something? If HCG is supposed to double etc?.... I’m longing for a baby like most women on these forums are. I thank you ladies so much for your help. It really does help to have all the support and wisdom from you.

Has this happened to anyone else? Anyone have these indents and then try another test and negative and then go on to have BFP? Any late BFPs? I went to draw blood yesterday so hopefully Monday I’ll know if there’s a level of sorts. I am not experiencing my usual pre period symptoms which I find odd. The odd real tug feeling down there but that’s all. No cramps.