Lexapro & Klonopin

I know I know. They affect everyone differently because we all have different brains. Okay I just want to hear anyones negative or positive experience anyways. I'm on my 3rd month of Lexapro for MDD and I feel its finally helping a little with my depression but not my GAD so my doctor is trying me on the lowest dose of Klonopin. Before that she tried me on non benzo anti anxiety med called Vistaril but i feel like it just helped me sleep and made me tired so maybe helped physically but didn't help with the mental part of anxiety. So now I'm giving the lowest dose of this benzo a try and wanted to hear peoples experiences on either of these. Thank you! FYI this is only after I've only tried all natural supplements the past 10 years to treat my anxiety and depression. Including several brands of CBD. Nothing has helped me so this has been a last resort and something I have always tried to avoid