Herpes ? Kinda scared

So to start I Haven’t kissed anyone since September 19th and as far as I’m concerned he doesn’t have herpes , but see those pimples on the outside of my lips and I feel like something is forming in the middle I don’t really feel anything but everytime I peel the middle of my lip a bump starts to form there and I posted the bum last time and everyone said it wasn’t herpes it’s like 1 big bump and it doesn’t feel like tingly or anything it just burns when I move my lips because maybe it’s a cut or something idk but it does go away when I stop picking at it .... oh and I have missed the boy before soooo .... I’m juss scared cause what if I’ve had herpes this whole time I dont wanna give it around to everyone because I dont knowand what if I can’t kiss anyone ever again or get a chance to have sex my life is over ..... I heard that even when the cold sore isnt there it’s still contagious I don’t wanna die or anying or anything or not be able to even lose my v card or something