Husband is passed out drunk so I went into survival mode💪🏼

Nicole • Baby Tucker Cash due Jan 22 2020 🤰🏻👫🐶🐶🌻


My husband is passed out on the couch drunk so I decide to head to bed. Well I see a FUCKING MOUSE scurry across the hall outside my bedroom!!! I scream and run away and grab a broom (honestly why did I do this for my first reaction) so I come back and that bitch is nowhere to be found!

So I go into survival mode and google what mice hate the smell of. The only item I had on the list was dryer sheets. So I spread dryer sheets all over around my bed to keep the mouse away from my bed at least (hoping a mouse wouldn’t climb it anyways my bed is high up).

NEXT I decided to set a trap but the only trap we have is already set up with peanut butter and its in our kitchen drawer. My husband set it up a few weeks ago but we haven’t had any bites. So your girl grabs a spatula and picks that already set mouse trap up and walks across the whole house and brings the trap into the laundry room (across the hall from bedroom. I couldn’t put it in my room or the hallway because we have 2 dogs and I didn’t want them getting into it) so i set that trap up in the laundry room in hopes that’s where the mouse came from originally.

Our house is a split level so our laundry room window is level with the ground. Please pray for me during this difficult time 😂 I’m currently awake in bed hoping to hear the house of the mouse trap go off!! If anyone else has some suggestions on how to get rid of a lurking mouse please let me know!


For anyone hating on me for using a kill trap let me make something clear. We have tried no kill traps and they ALWAYS come back. We live in the country next to a farm and this is what works for us. The amount of damage caused by mice (chewing up wires, contaminating our food and cooking utensils because they go in our cabinets, ect) is not worth the risk of doing no kill traps and them coming back. I shouldn’t even have to explain myself honestly 😂I’m sorry if it upsets you but that’s what works for me. I cannot have nice running around kissing and shitting in my house especially with a baby on the way. So if you want to go cuddle up with your germ infested mice that come to your house that’s fine with me😂