Just need to vent 😕

Hey y’all,

So me and my ex were together for 5 years and had a son together that will be 2 at the beginning of next month. It was very toxic and mentally & emotionally abusive, he treated me like a second option throughout my entire pregnancy and would hardly see me even after my son was born. I had to eventually get on medication for depression and anxiety. I was happy to be “free” from it but it hurt for a longggg time. We were supposed to “work on things” and “learn ourselves” before getting back together but after about 2 months of us being broken up he got a new girl that he claimed was a “friend”. This obviously caused many fights and then he started bringing her around my son without telling me and told me they were looking for places. I finally got fed up with him not helping me with our child and took him to court which made him mad at me (sorry you have to help with the child you helped bring into this world). I did it with a clear mind and nothing but my sons need in interest. He then ended up moving in with her and still to this day has not told me because we have a meeting point. BUT a few days ago I may have found out he is now having a BABY with this girl ! I’m genuinely mind blown and I was definitely hurt at first, first for myself and then for my son cause which mom doesn’t have a fear their child will take the back burner to the new baby in a new relationship ? Our son is hardly 2 years old and they have been together for literally a year and a month maybe ?? I just can’t seem to not think about it and it’s driving me nuts. Thanks for anyone reading this far, I really just wanted to see if venting it all out would make me feel better.