Need to vent! Am I being a bitch?


So my Husband's Mother passed away 2 years ago leaving behind her pathetic Husband. My Husband is not close to his Father at all. When my Mother in law was going through chemo and radiation her Husband was not there for her what so ever.

Never helped her getting back and forth to her treatments, didn't help with cooking or cleaning.

He doesn't work because he's been on disability since my Husband was a little boy. (Capable of walking to the liquor store every day to get drunk) so fast forward... Since she's past it's been our responsibility to pick him up and drop him off for Birthday parties and Holidays. My sister in law takes him grocery shopping once a week while she has 4 kids of her own, working part time and going to school part time. Well now that we have a baby it's so frustrating because we already have a lot going on. I mean most of the time my Husband has to go completely out of his way to drop me and baby off at home and then take his Father home because baby is cranky. His father doesn't even realize he's putting a burden on his kids. He has a working vehicle, we even picked his van up and dropped it off at a mechanic to make sure it's safe.. He drives to the liquor store but can't drive anywhere else. I've told my husband so many times that he needs to talk with his father but he won't. He's not a confrontational person. But I'm getting to the point where I'm going to flip. I mean even if he drove to our house and we all drove together for the Holidays. We drive 45 minutes for the Holidays but have to backtrack 20 minutes just to pick his Father up and then drive an extra 60 minutes to get to the Holiday party.

He never calls to see how we're doing. He never wants to hold Baby. He only calls when he needs something. Am I being a bitch? I feel like he's been enabled for so long and now his children are doing it. I'm so exhausted that when the Holidays come I don't even want to go.