Am I allowed one silly question?

So I went to have a pap around Wednesday. She asked all the usual questions like.... are you sexually active, if so how long, are you pregnant? Yada yada. Well she asked me when I first had started having sex. When I told her 13 she said okay and how many children do you have. When I told her none she looked shocked. She asked if I have always used a condom and said no then she said it was unbelievable that I’m not a mother or have children. Then she looked concerned. I used condoms up until I was 15-16 Bc I was terrified of pregnancy then I started using the pull out method (me and my past relationships have always had check ups so we were clean) the relationship I’m in now we even only use the pull out method. But they way she looked had me thinking..... maybe I can’t have children. My mother told me stories how she got pregnant by pull out method and he always did it perfectly on time and that when she got pregnant with me it was pull out and she didntknow for three months Bc she had a light period... my mother and every woman in my family has accidentally became pregnant they are “fertile myrtles” they say. But here I am at the age of 20 and by no means am I playing it safe but also haven’t exactly been trying either but it just worries me... then it makes me wonder if all these UTI’s and kidney infections could have impacted my health or something. Could I be infertile or does pull out method really work?