Toddler bedroom or playroom?


My 2 year old son has never slept in his crib. I bought the cosleeper crib when he was 2 weeks old and he hated it, he would get fussy as soon as I put him in there. So, he has slept with us in our bed ever since. He has his room though, a crib and everything. I want to get rid of the crib but I'm not sure whether to turn the room into a bedroom or playroom. I want to get a toddler bed but I doubt my son will sleep in it. A twin size bed would be nice since I know he will use it for sure when he gets older but I think hes too young to get a twin size bed right now. Any suggestions on what to do? I want to make up my mind before I start organizing but I have no idea on what to do with the room. I'm a first time mom so I dont know what is best and what will be better for the future.