HCG Levels


Hey ladies, I am pregnant with my second baby. I started bleeding right after I got my positive test. Full on period blood... 6 days straight. My HCG levels are still rising, but not doubling every three days. I am having OCD over this pregnancy and it’s driving me CRAZY! My doctor said I can’t have an ultra sound until my levels hit 2,000 or more. So I don’t know if the gestational sack is even in my uterus. So I’m freaking out on the inside! My husband and I are keeping the pregnancy to ourselves until further notice. And that’s probably the hardest part is not being able to talk to any one about it. Anyone else going through or have went through this before? What was the outcome? The doctor says it is a 50/50 chance, but in most cases is doesn’t turn out for the better. I am praying every single day , every chance I get that this little baby holds on and is strong through this and grows. I’m so excited to have another baby.... but my hopes are dwindling and I’m getting so depressed. I’ve had a miscarriage before my daughter, and I know what it feels like to have a loss.... I lost twins. So apologies to all you mommas who have lost your babies! My prayers are with you!