New to Clomid

Tomorrow is my first day/first round of Clomid! My husband and I have been TTC for about 7 months, but I had clear evidence that I wasn’t ovulating (OPK strips and BBT charts). I also have irregular periods (28-35 days, this past cycle was 42 days for no apparent reason). My doctor decided to prescribe Clomid (seems a little early, but I think with the data I had and advocating for myself that something was off, she decided it may help!) - Btw, thank you to some of you Glow users who pushed me to advocate for myself when I knew something wasn’t right with my body!

Would love any and all info/advice!

Anyone else have similar experiences or have Clomid prescribed before 1 year? Best time to take it? Side effects? Clomid buddies? Success stories?

Thanks!! Excited for this next step! Wishing you all luck as well! ❤️