Weird discharge coming off Depo?


TMI but has anyone else had fertile CM (eggwhite consistency) tinged with streaks of pink blood? My last only and only Depo shot was on June 13th, I was due for my second dose at the end of August and never got it. The Depo made me bleed until around Sept 13th and then stopped but I had some very light pink spotting a little while ago that went away for a few days and now ive got a lot of egg white clear mucus that's streaked with pinkish, nearly red blood. No cramps or anything and none of my normal PMS symptoms are happening either, so I don't feel like it's a period coming on. Normally I cramp, have headaches, and massive bloating before my period starts but there's none of that. I'm wondering if maybe I'm ovulating? Ive not returned to my normal regular cycle since ive not had my first post partum period yet so I can't use period tracking yet. Also, there's zero chance that it could be implantation bleeding, my fiance and I haven't had sex because I only recently stopped bleeding(Neither of us is down for sex when I'm bleeding) and with the kids we just haven't had time.