Someone please give me advice.

Alrighty. So. I’m 7 weeks pregnant. I am 19. (20 in November) The dad is 19. (20 in December) We have only been together around 5 months. I’ve known him through school and stuff though. But still, only 5 months together. This boy has quite the history. When he was I believe 17? He got his girlfriend pregnant. She ended up having complications and lost the baby at around 20ish weeks I believe. He then lost his girlfriend in a car accident. That was only last year. That was 2 major losses for him in only 1 year. So obviously, we were taking things pretty slow in a sense of letting people know about us and everything. and now here we are. I’m pregnant. And we obviously talked about abortion, but personally for me I just can’t do it. Having a baby right now is 100% not ideal to me at all. I live on my own and 100% support myself and a baby just wasn’t in the plan right now. But in my eyes everything happens for a reason and you just have to figure it out. And he was totally okay with that, he told me that it was more my decision than his because I’m the one who had to carry the baby and that whatever I choose he will absolutely be there for me and help me. That was around 4 weeks. So up until now we’ve just known we were going to keep it and that we would figure it out. But last night he mentioned abortion again and now it’s really not an option for me at all, so it threw me off pretty hard. But he was really telling me how hard this was going to be for us and for me in general with having so many bills and working so much to support myself. But in my opinion. WE did this. WE have to deal with the consequences and figure it out and love our baby regardless. I don’t want to look at this in a negative way at all. Yes I am 19 and pregnant. But yes everything happens for a reason. It’s our responsibility to take care of it now. I just don’t know how I feel about all of this. I love this boy so much and I know that he is so scared and I don’t know what to do about it. I just feel bad and also like that I’m inconveniencing his life. someone just ease my mind please. I’m having this baby 100%