36 week appt!

Haley • Wife 4/14/18. Dog mom. RN. Mommy to baby Adeline 10/25/19. 💕

All good news at my appt today! 😊💕 My BP was a little high but okay, 130/87. But baby is head down still, engaged, and very very low. I’m 1 cm dilated (which she stated doesn’t mean much since it can change so fast, but I already knew that) and 50% effaced! I’ve been having contractions the past few days also. She talked as if baby might try to make her appearance by next weekend judging by how engaged she is! 😬 she said at this point they wouldn’t stop labor if she decided to come now but to ideally try to hold her in until next weekend lol. 😂😂 I’m so excited to be making progress, but knowing my luck the progress will come to a halt and I’ll have to wait until my due date. That’s the kind of luck I have lol. 🙄 either way we’re so close to baby time! 😊💕💕