does every pregnant woman get diastasis recti?

and can it heal on its own? i’m 5 months PP now but i don’t feel as though i have it. directly after birth, my stomach was pretty flat however looking straight on in the mirror, my waistline was gone (it was smaller before i gave birth!) and my torso overall wider.

with time, i now have a waistline again and my core feels pretty tight. i can’t physically grab my skin/stomach and when i push on it it’s firm.

i ask because i really really want to get into working out again but i’m scared my “normal” ab exercises won’t work since i know they can make DR worse.

is it possible i don’t have it, or based on what i’ve said does it sound like it’s healed on it’s own?

thank you! i did work out my core yesterday and it feels strong and slightly sore today, just like pre pregnancy.