Do I message my husbands girlfriend about my divorce? He's blocked me

My ex has blocked me off everything and I need to get our divorced sorted. Now he has never met our child, doesnt ask for photos / videos or show he cares and doesn't pay child support.

The last time we talked I said I was about to seek legal advice for our divorce and that he would hear from me, he somehow managed to turn it into an argument while I remained calm and he blocked me off everything.

I need to speak to him to tell him what I know, especially with us being in two different countries.

A dear friend of mine recommended that because he is impossible to reach maybe I should message his new girlfriend, who he lives with, to ask her to tell him to speak to me regarding the divorce and state why.



"Hello, I know you may not know me but I know who you are. I'm sorry I have to contact you like this I wish it was under better circumstances. I'm trying to get hold of my husband, you are the only person who I know can affectively get hold of him. I need to speak to him about filing for divorce. I've looked into the costs and the process of the divorce and its going to be very expensive for me as the petitioner , I cannot afford to do it from the UK because I have to fly over just to sign the papers.It would be more efficient and cost affective for him to get the divorce sorted at the orange County Court where we were married. He can download the divorce package from the orange County website, it's $20. I also need to speak to him about the conditions of the divorce so it can be resolved with the least amount of problems as possible. The first approach I would to discuss with him is resigning his parental rights to make the divorce go much smoother. I apologise again that I have to even send this message I would have contacted him if I was able to. Without getting into it too much, the last time or any time our divorce is discussed it results in him blocking /removing me from all types of social media which makes this impossible."


Do you think I should message her? For 2 years now he's promised to sort out divorce out and hasn't.

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