Well now we are even more confused...


Here is a little quick version of what’s going on... we implanted one embryo on September 12th. Week later my levels back at 8.99. Ever since then they have been more than doubling but we never saw anything on the ultrasound. My doctor has been saying it’s probably a loss but bc my levels kept rising they weren’t sure. Well Monday we went back and saw a questionable sac and then yesterday we went back and saw a sac but my doctor kept saying it’s empty and we are almost 7 weeks but it’s only measuring at 5 so we needed to do a D&C it stopped developing. we scheduled it for today but I wasn’t convinced I wanted to do it still so i asked to do one more ultrasound this morning before the surgery. When we went back we saw 2 very clear sacs. They are measuring at 5 weeks which I know is behind and I should be 7 weeks but I’m so confused. We canceled the surgery to see if they maybe develop more within a week (we go back Tuesday morning) I just don’t get why all the sudden there’s 2 sacs. I feel like maybe something is going on.. 🙏🏻