To move now or to move later?


Looking for some guidance. I’m six months pregnant with #1 and itching to move closer to my family. DH is cool with that, but we keep going back and forth about whether it’s best to move now before the baby comes or after she’s here. Our current apartment is a lovely one-bedroom, but not big enough for us to want to stay in it long term as our family grows, and also over an hour subway ride from most of our friends and family including my parents (we live in NYC, no car). Our lease isn’t up for another year so there’s no real pressure to move, but we could certainly break it early if that’s what we decide is best. Any moms out there have experience with moving while pregnant vs. moving with a baby? What advice would you give us? Also how much value would you place on being within walking distance of grandparents, aunts, and uncles? Our current neighborhood is much more affordable than where we’d end up when we move closer to family.