tampon won’t go in!!

Hi I’m 15 and I started my period 2 years ago and have always used pads, and I’ve wanted to start using tampons but they just won’t go in!!

Ive tried and tried and tried but I feel, when I find the hole, like There’s no where for it to go and it hurts everytime.... I’ve tried positioning myself in different ways but nothing works!! Please help I don’t know what to do, did anyone else experience this ??! :(((

Update… I’m now 18 and I finally found out how to use tampons about a year ago (I now even prefer them to pads)….I found that I could put them in but when i pulled them out they would get stuck (I’m guessing on my hymen as it was the type that had two holes…. A septate hymen) it eventually stretched out and hurt less though.

I was so upset when I found out I had this type of hymen and just wanted a normal vagina (as I have a labia that sticks out) I thought sex was going to be more difficult and that no man would want to have sex with me or find my vagina disgusting, but now I have learnt that men don’t care what your vagina looks like (and if they do then they are childish and you shouldn’t be having sex with someone like that) I love it for how it is and accept that every single woman has a different vagina and body, and we are all so beautiful in unique ways!!

Thank you ladies for all the help❤️ I love this community :)