I can't believe I'm asking but I can't tell.


I don't know if there's nothing there and I'm just really really tired but I am 12 dpo with many symptoms pretty much since 1 dpo so I know it could be hormones but everything is new for me. I'll cut to yesterday and today, which has been this runner's cramp type feeling in my entire stomach and pelvis and ovaries. It actually feels sore in my ovaries if I stretch. I have a bubbly tummy with some gas but I just feel hugely bloated and I've never been one to have nausea or bloating so I'm very confused! At CD 22 I had hormones tested, HCG was negative then but progesterone was high for luteal phase at 30.59, so that could be causing my symptoms. However, I can't figure out what exactly "twinges" or "pulling" or "pinching" actually feels like. I have had these little feelings of what I can only describe as a snap of pain here and there since yesterday but not "painful" like I cry or double over. I am really confused about the runner's cramp or stitches feeling in the center of my abdomen, like belly button and kind of all around. I feel a little crazy. AF due tomorrow but zero cramps. Took a test and I think its negative but I'll share a pic. I also woke today with sore throat and just feel like I have a little fever. Temp is 98.1 in the AM but I'm usually 96-97 so maybe it is a bug. Thanks for any help or just thoughts.