I don’t know what to do!

Tiana • 5/17💙

My beautiful baby boy is 4 months turns 5 months on the 17th...I have a few issues..

1. He throws the worst temper tantrums I’ve even seen( throws whole body back screams bloody murder) pretty much all day until he gets what he wants..and even then I have issues because I don’t know exactly what he wants..he is fed and changed and played with yet he still does this..I’ve been told this is normal but it just doesn’t feel normal..

2. Wakes up multiple times a night and will scream..even when he is fed and changed.

3. He refuses to roll over and also refuses to even try to sit up..he will try but gets frustrated and will stop

I’m a first time mom and at this point I’m just one tired frustrated mama

Anyone have any advice?!?