Needing to vent

I have a five year old, her father is a total piece of shit. He’s months behind in his child support (whatever I don’t need the money). Recently I got married, he went off his rocker. He called my past employer (where I was employed at that time), called and texted me at least 20 times a day, showed up at my daughters daycare to attempt to pick her up, and waited at my house for two hours. Anyway I ended up getting a restraining order and he wS put on supervised visits because he admitted to using drugs ! With our daughter around!!!! Anyway that was a month or two ago. Now he moved states, and FaceTimes and tells our 5 year old daughter that she is going to come out there and visit him soon. He’s been asking her about me and my husband, asking if we have food?!? Finally he was saying some stuff about visiting to My daughter and she said no I can’t visit right now. He literally proceeded to say that nothing I say matters I’m not the boss I just think I am... blah blah blah I finally hAd to hang up my daughter was visually upset. I messaged him on talking parents asking him to not talk about me or our court agreement since it literally states that In our court agreement.