Your feelings before you went into labor

Vanessa • Proud Mommy of 3 🥰

I’m looking for some peoples feelings and things that happened to them before they went into labor like hunger leg cramps constipated how long after u went into labor if u lost ur mucus plug how long after some of u went into labor after having a membrane sweep nothing is tmi I just want real peoples thought and feelings on the things that happened to them also if any of u did get a membrane sweep did u feel anything the next day did any of u lose ur mucus plug the next day etc.... sorry for the run on sentence lol I’m past due my induction is booked but I have yet to go into labor on my own so just curious about all ur experiences got my first membrane sweep yesterday I also lost my mucus plug completely by the evening but don’t feel to much today besides some light cramps and the urge to clean anyways I’d like to here ur thoughts