I met a MAN

So a couple months ago I ended a 10 year relationship with the father of my 11 month old son. It was an extremely toxic relationship as he’s a narcissist (literally) & I’m an empathetic. Horrible mix.. I ended up losing myself and for 10 years I’ve done nothing but mother this boy. From paying everything including clothes on his back to making sure his nails were always clipped & ears clean. Lmao SO EXTRA, I KNOW. He took everything from me my energy, time, you name it. He was also abusive both physically & mentally.. he would make sure any inconvenience both big or small were my fault. Everything even things he screwed up always ended up my fault & I fixed EVERYTHING. He would get drunk & hit me.. even sometimes when he wasn’t drunk... every time he drank he screamed about how much he hated me!! To top it off he was a cheater as well & whispered sweet nothings to any girl who would listen. Well I had my son 11 months ago & it’s when I really started thinking about where my life & relationship were going.. I kept thinking I can’t let this amazing little boy grow up in such a toxic hostile environment. So I did it.. one day that wasn’t even bad I just told him I don’t want this relationship anymore. Oh man he begged & pleaded & pleaded for me to take him back but out of the 1000 times we broke up I just knew it was over and that I could not & would not ever allow him to hurt me anymore. I felt the biggest weight lift off my shoulders knowing now my son can see me happy.

So anyways most of us have that “nice guy” who’s always been around.. mind you I never flirted with him or anything prior to my break up but the one night he replied to my snap story and since I was single I finally replied.. we talked for hours.. honestly just CLICKED! No forced conversation, & soooo respectable. We been hanging out as much as we can these past couple months and I’ve never been so happy. He makes me feel like gold. Even when I look like a bum no make up, hair not done he’s constantly telling me how beautiful I am and how lucky he is. & by the look in his eyes I know he means it. I cannot believe I met someone so great so fast. But he is.. & I know every man could end up being a cheater but I just know he’s not like that. (Don’t worry guards still up) We’ve already decided we’re in a relationship because we both feel we don’t wanna date anyone else anyways. It’s crazy cause I was in a relationship for 10 years but never felt like I was in one more than I do now. He’s constantly showing me off to all his friends.. he wants to take pictures with me and of me. Idk I guess I just wanted to let you ladies know that if you’re in a relationship anything like the one I was previously in.. it’s ok to let go. Even if you don’t find someone right away it’s ok. I was still happier before I started talking to him knowing that I was doing better for myself and my child. Good luck ladies!!