

Please help ladies...

I’ve never any any kind of surgery before so the thought of this scares me so much ☹️

I went to see my gyno yesterday and I was under the impression that after all my scans I was going to see my consultant to then be given chlomid.

I was told while I was there it’s going to be atleast another three months as they now need to do a semen analysis on my hubby and I need to have a laparoscopy to test my womb/tubes.

I’m most upset because when I think I’m getting somewhere and I’m finally going to get tablets to hopfully conceive, they throw another thing at me and another few months.

I’m obviously eternally greatfull that we are in the day and age where things can be done, but I just want a baby so badly 😢

It’s also getting worse at the moment because my sister in law is pregnant with her second, and all i here is my mother in law going on about is how hard it is for my sister in law, she’s had two really healthy successful pregnancy’s so this really effects me when all I keep hearing is how hard it is for her and it’s so stressful with having the other one and being pregnant.

I don’t know if I’m over thinking too much about the laparoscopy but I just wondering if any of you ladies had some insight on it?

I have no idea what to expect 🥺
