Should I Leave Him?

I've always had trust issue with men. Growing up as a child, it was just me and my mom... There were no male a role in our house.

I'm now 5yrs into my first marriage and lack to trust him for no apparent reason. I can be somewhat paranoid or have a fear of being cheated on...

My last relationship before this kind of scarred me or has hung over me and all my doubts about my current spouse.,.

The guy I was with before was an ass, to say the least.

The only time that's caused me to doubt my spouse is after not even a month of marriage, I caught porn on his phone.. That shot everything. I've tried to let go... And in return I did it to him I guess (don't anymore).

Anyway, my husband hasn't at least of what I know and hasn't done anything suspicious. I'm just struggling to trust. We have almost 3 kids...

I'm just really feeling down and doubtful in things in general. Idk if it's better to just throw it all away now or live with my struggle to trust.

I'm also having a lack of confidence to talk to him about things like our sex life and what not....

Can any other women in my shoes help with suggestions?