On the fence about sleep training?


Don’t be! My ebf + solids guy is now consistently sleeping through the night, 10.5-11hrs straight with two 1-1.5hr long naps a day. He goes down 99.9% of the time without a peep except to try and mimic me saying “I love you” as I lay him down in his crib. (which is the cutest mf thing ever!!😩😍) He wakes up happy as a clam and we both are happier, less stressed humans thanks to the rest. I also love that now I know the odd .1% of the time he fusses or cries after I put him down that, he probably isn’t feeling well due to teething/tummy troubles, leaps, etc.

It has been a long and winding road to get to here, baby sleep is a tough code to crack! but we’ve made it and I have no doubt anyone could. It all began with stopping the nursing to sleep association for us (LO kept biting me when he would doze off back at 5/6 month, not happening🙅🏻‍♀️) My nipples and I are so grateful that all those new chompers gave me the push I needed to let us both learn to sleep independently.

This is not a post to convince anyone adamantly against sleep training, to each their own 1,000% in my book! This is a post to encourage those of you going back and forth on it or those of you in the midst of it. It isn’t always easy but it can be done, stay strong and consistent and know that better rest and a better quality of life is on the other side for both of you.🙏🏻❤️