Mini PSA Rant

I’m so tired of people sending their sick kids to school, church nurseries, and other kid/childcare places.

My 4 year old got diagnosed with asthma at 2. For 2 years now cold/flu season has been a nightmare. Daily steroids, nebulizer treatments, allergy medication, always making sure his rescue inhaler is in my bag and his medical alert bracelet is on. One bad cold and he’s in the ER being exposed to God only knows what else. Now, the icing on the cake? My 8 month old has early onset asthma. At 6 weeks he got RSV because my 4 year olds school didn’t tell me 2 kids got sent home sick, despite informing parents being their, “policy.” So, 4 year old developed it, 6 week old developed it. Every cold since is the same scary asthma flare up.

Now I sit here, rocking my 8 month old after screaming through a nebulizer treatment, nose clearing and medication dose.

Thank God I already know what I’m doing. 8 months is too little for all this crap.