TTC after failed pregnancy


I found out last month I had a failed pregnancy. I didn't know I was pregnant. I got what appeared to be my period, and was only a couple days late... I ended up experiencing abdominal pain that was a bit more intense than normal menstrual cramps so I went to the ER to get checked out.. (I have a history of abdominal issues). It was discovered I had a failed pregnancy.. ultrasound was inconclusive, but blood test was positive. It was estimated I was roughly 4-6 weeks pregnant - so very early.

My question is - those who have been through similar experiences... how long after did you try to conceive again, and how soon did you take a pregnancy test.

My son is 10mo old, and we didn't get a BFP until I was 5 days late (I had taken a test every other day 6 days leading up to the day of my missed period). Couple other things to note: I have endometriosis and adenomyosis. There's a history of pregnancy loss and pre-term babies in my family (my mother had me and my brother 2 months early and had 3 miscarriages, my sister has had 1 miscarriage and I gave birth to my son 2 months early as well.)

Thanks in advance :)