I need someone’s input before II go crazy

Ok so here’s the deal

Currently in my family we have 10+ grandchildren the recent ones are my lo he’s 1 and my sister daughter she’s 1 1/2. Ok here’s the problem we’ll to my husband mostly I don’t really mind! But my husband says and sees that my dad only carries my baby niece and hardly our son...... he’s mentioned it a few times and we always fight it doesn’t bother me as much. He gets really upset angry even. I know for a fact that my sister is his favorite daughter so it’s only normal that he prefers her kid over my kiddo. But here the thing I have two older girls and he loves them and has always spent time with them it’s just right now in this time with these babies he favors my niece. It kinda stings a bit but not really. But my husband is so mad and we fought over this. I feel like he dislikes my family and this is just making it worse. I’m not sure what to do !!???! I don’t want to really have an awkward conversation about this with my dad. But idk if I should or what to think. I also feel like my husband always rubs it in my face that I’m not the favorite and I think it’s wrong that he alway brings it up especially it it hurts my feeling sometimes. I tell him if your really love me you wouldn’t hurt by always bringing this up. Can someone help please!

Also (my dad) He doesn’t not acknowledge my son he will carry him a bit but it’s noticeable he favors my niece