What do y’all think?

So I have two kids from a previous relationship and now I’m married. Before I was married to the man I’m with now, my child support and visits were fine with me as that is what was court ordered. Fast forward a few years and my now husband is DEMANDING that I take the father to court even though it might hurt things and the arrangements that are already in place. He says that I’m married now so I need to collect more child support and if I don’t collect more child support then the kids need to be with their father more. I would rather serve divorce papers than to deal with this court shit because I feel like I have more to lose by taking my kids father through the ringer just because my husband wants me to. This is a constant fight and he’s even said that until I do take their dad to court that our relationship would suffer. I don’t know I’m being selfish by not wanting to do this. I don’t know. I need some of your opinions please. Thank you in advance.