Omg I need to share this horrible experience

Shelby • 👼🏻👼🏻👶🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻🤰🏻

Okay so I know I post in here like way too much. But I just had to share this because I’m so appalled right now.

I just went to get my blood drawn to check my HCG levels. This is my first this time around doing this. I’m very comfortable doing this because a few months ago I had my get my blood drawn every week bc it took forever for my levels to go down. Anyway. I go back and sit on her little chair thing and she starts asking me about kids and if this is my first. I say oh, I just had my 2nd loss and don’t have kids yet. She gives me a funny look and then the receptionist comes running back yelling wait! Stop! And then is like there’s been a mistake, are you still pregnant hon? And I start tearing up and said no, I’m here to get my HCG levels checked to make sure they’re going down. So apparently some idiot last week put the wrong order in and said i’m getting prenatal blood work done! So they’re apologizing and I’m crying. It was a bit like getting slapped, or kicking me while I was down.

I’m kind of tempted to change DR offices but I go to the top rated one in my area so I’m hesitant to change 😭

It was pretty dramatic in person, I shortened it so I wouldn’t write a book.