Rant time


So I have had a rocky relationship with my SO of 8 years and he “HAD” a major drinking problem. I put had because as of tomorrow he is 2 months sober. Well during those years he had put my family and I in a lot of pain. From fights, to breaking things, to me leaving, etc. Most of my family has stuck bye even through all of this drama and I’m grateful for that. This year was the worst yet... We fought everyday and I just felt like I was worth nothing but the mother of his kids. He never called me beautiful, never did things a man should and I felt alone for about a year and went into a deep depression. So I explored different things and it was wrong but I fell in love with a man I worked with and he treated me all the right ways a man should and so I fell out of love with my SO. I regret the mistakes I’ve made but I made them for a reason. Long story short my SO found out from taking my phone from my son while I was in the shower and the one day I forgot to delete my messages he saw them. It was a down hill battle from there, his drinking got worse and worse and I was going to end things for good. I left while he was asleep one morning with my kids and after a few days gone he told me he was going to rehab and he didn’t want to loose us so I caved yet again. Well he went to rehab completed it and ever since then our relationship has been 100x better than ever. I feel so much happier with my life and things are so normal that he’s sober so I put the old me in the past.

So the point of my rant is today I had a conversation with my cousin and we are VERY close. I talked about Halloween and taking the kids and a couple days ago we went to the pumpkin patch for my birthday and it was GREAT until dinner afterwards. My SO got upset because my son was throwing a tantrum and wanted to go home and he got up and said we’re leaving. Well my cousins didn’t like that but I don’t care and so we left. So back to my cousin and eye talking on the phone about Halloween this year. She said “ well not trying to be rude.....(which she was) but I don’t want to trick or treat with you guys because of the past, he has always fucked up stuff for me” I got really upset because people make mistakes and people get upset, we are human!!! The part that makes me so mad is her Sons father is in prison for holding her at gun point while her son in the car, tried to kidnapp her, broke into her house, beat her and kept her from the family and yet my SO is such a horrible person who has changed his life drastically and has been so good but because he got upset the other day she doesn’t want to hang out with me if he’s around on holidays or special events.

Do you think I’m wrong for being upset or am I over reacting??? How would you feel about it? Sorry for the long post! Thank you for reading.