Did Metformin help you to lose weight?


I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year after giving birth to my daughter. I had always had irregular periods (missing four months in a row, which prompted my doctor visit), chin hair, and after I gave birth I gained 100 pounds in that first year. My doctor prescribed me Progesterone pills for 10 days, and I finally had a period again. Then I was put on the pill to attempt to regulate my period and told to exercise as much as possible to see if either of these helped to minimize the other symptoms of PCOS. After six months, I hadn’t lost a single pound, despite rigorous cardio at least 4 times a week, and strength training mixed in. So at my six month check up, my doctor prescribed me Metformin after ordering a blood test. I’m not quite positive on what it does, but from what I can understand, it’s supposed to help my body to regulate the way insulin is being used and to help my metabolism to perform better? What ever it does though, it’s working! I have successfully lost 5 pounds, putting me only 110 pounds away from my goal weight! I’m not exactly concerned with what the scale says however, I just want to look in the mirror and be happy with the body I see. But still, 5 pounds is a huge deal for me considering all else. Anywho, any other success stories out there concerning weight loss on Metformin while having PCOS?